Parental Alienation

Parental alienation transpires when there is segregation between a parent and kids caused deliberately by the other parent. Divorce may result in parental alienation.Generally, it usually occurs intentionally. 

The abusive parent uses different methods to cause a division between the kids and the estranged parent. Usually, the custodial parent may also be the abusive parent. This makes it difficult for the estranged parent to stop the behavior. Parental alienation can make the children despise visiting the other parent or reject them. Much of the time, the children mandatorily listen to the abusive parent. The situation may be worse when the kid is encouraged through rewards. 

Parental alienation is a type of emotional abuse that can be harmful to the kids. In Texas, such maltreatment is an offense that may require the intervention of the Family Court. 

Per the Texas Family Code, emotional abuse can result in some form of damage to the child’s development or general psychological functioning. It may also cause abnormal social behavior and depression. 

Emotional abuse can range from using degrading verbal methods or other forms of communication to harass or demean the minor. It may also include threats of bodily or mental injuries.

Taking Actions Against Parental Alienation and Emotional Abuse

If you notice your kid is experiencing emotional abuse from parental alienation, your attorney can recommend legal ways to protect your child. It is likewise very crucial to provide the kid with a secure environment. You can register the minor for therapy to help the healing process. This can help to get over the trauma they might have as a result of the emotional abuse.

As an alienated parent, you can consider getting a restraining order to stop further abuse and temporary contact between the other parent and the affected minor. You can file a restraining order motion at the appropriate family court. However, the court grants the order as a temporary resolution before making a permanent decision. Court-mandated therapy may also be imposed on all parties. The alienating parent will undergo therapy to end their malice, while the estranged parent and children can attend joint therapy sessions to heal their relationship. An assigned official will follow up on the therapy sessions to assess the improvements of the parties.

Supposing that the child is experiencing harsh emotional mistreatment or bodily abuse from the parent, there could be a need to change the guardianship. The other parent can initiate legal action to get sole custody of the child. The court is likely to grant the motion if it suits the child best.