Facts About Child Abuse in Texas

Child Abuse in Texas

child abuse
  • 718 daily reports of child abuse, or 30 per hour.
  • 280 children perish annually due to abuse or neglect.
  • Texas children die at the highest rates, per capita, in the country.
  • Child Protective Services (CPS) handled over 4,695 child abuse reports in Collin County in 2009.
  • Parents, other relatives, or a parent’s partner account for more than 95% of all perpetrators in Texas CPS cases.
  • Between 2000 and 2009, the Collin County child population increased 81% to; during that same time period, the number of children confirmed as abuse victims increased 152%.
  • Since opening in 1992, Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County (CACCC) served over 35,000 children.
  • During CACCC’s last fiscal year, July 1, 2010 – June, 2011, there were:
    1. 4,148 referrals (allegations of child abuse)
    2. 10,774 therapy services
    3. 6,005 community resource services provided
    4. 1,178 children who benefitted from CACCC’s Rainbow Room
    5. 763 forensic interviews conducted
    6. 94 sexual assault nurse examinations conducted on site

Despite the proven efficacy and the relative inexpense of child abuse prevention programs and services, Texas devotes a minimal investment to prevention and early intervention.